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by Jak Soroka


Be open. Be curious.


Question the definition of ‘inclusion’. What does inclusion actually mean? Who’s including who?
Hint: ‘inclusion’ is not a chore.
It’s not a slog.
You’re not doing a favour. It’s not charity.
It should not be an ‘add-on’ or an after-thought.
It shouldn’t be this much of a battle.

Mainstream culture assumes it is doing the including.
D/eaf and disabled people have their own cultures.
What if it was the other way round?
What if the mainstream was being included into the non-normative and marginalised lives?

Cripping the mainstream: rather than the marginalised having to fit in, the mainstream bends to the ‘sub’ culture.

D/eaf and disabled people contribute something uniquely creative.

‘How can we include you?’ is the wrong question.
‘What can we learn from you?’ is one of the right ones.

Why do we want to be part of the mainstream?
The burden of making things ‘inclusive’, making the changes, always falls on the marginalised community.

We want to lead. We want our voices to be centred. But we do not want to take all the responsibility. This burden should be shared.
This is not a contradiction. This is two separate requests;
1) To lead, be empowered. 2) To share the responsibility of change.


Healing without consent is not healing.

Listen to people whose stories will surprise you.

Religion, faith, magic and spirituality can have everything to do with your politics – be it crip, queer or otherwise.


The way you live is a way to live. Nobody’s way is the way.
Don’t assume. If you’re not sure, ask.

Healing is wanting to live your life with more ease.
That might have nothing to do with disability.

If you want to know if you believe all life is valuable, check your actions.


Invisible disabilities matter.
Check who is in the room.
The disability may be invisible, the person is not.


Take. Your. Time.

A person’s worth is not the labour they provide.
A person’s worth is not the labour they provide.
A person’s worth is not the labour they provide.
A person’s worth is not the labour they provide.
A person’s worth is not the labour they provide.


Let me tell you something I love.

Kisses. Big brunches on Sundays. Time and space to reflect. Opportunities to know myself better. When one sentence changes your whole life.

(About Judaism) Discovery lying in wait for me. Much to explore.
(About queerness) Community. A commitment to curiosity. Ferociousness. Digging. Expansion. A commitment to growth. Fluidity. Confusing people.


Let the voices shake you up, awaken you, stir you and bring you closer to a sense of yourself – as they did me.