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What are your crutches? What holds you up? Gets you through? What…or who? And when does it tip over from something you love to something darker, a deeper need, that effects those around you? Does that mean its bad?

What are your crutches? And who are you to judge mine……

12 is a riotous piece full of childlike beauty and surreal humour. Commissioned by Candoco Dance Company as part of their Unlimited Commission for the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad for an ensemble of 12 disabled and non-disabled performers alongside Marc Brew’s work Parallel Lines. 12 was performed at Trinity Laban in Jan 2012, and at Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank, London in Sept 2012, as part of Unlimited 2012.


Concept & Direction Claire Cunningham
Assistant Director and Mentor Gail Sneddon
Costume Design Shanti Freed
Composer Matthias Herrmann
Lighting Design Karsten Tinapp
Publicity Image Rachel Cherry

All material created by the performers: Darren Anderson, Elinor Baker, Dan Daw, Mirjam Gurtner, Annie Hanauer, Victoria Malin, Chris Owen, Welly O’Brien, Edu O., Maggie Ho Ki Kwan, Mickaella Dantas, (Ronny) Ming Hei Wong.

Candoco Unlimited Commissions are supported by The Brazilian Embassy

Unlimited is a project celebrating disability, arts, culture and sport on an unprecedented scale as part of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad.
The project is principally funded by the National Lottery through the Olympic Lottery Distributor, and is delivered in partnership between London 2012, Arts Council England, the Scottish Arts Council, Arts Council of Wales, Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the British Council.