Mobile is a solo work created and conceived by Claire Cunningham, co-produced with Jess Curtis/Gravity and in collaboration with a creative team of other artists (see below). It was commissioned by DaDa Fest International ’08 and premiered at that festival in Liverpool in Sept 2008.
Mobile is a 35 min (approx) work combining dance, text, aerial and sculptural elements. There is live and recorded text (English) throughout the piece. The piece was inspired by the work of Alexander Calder – the sculptor who invented ‘mobiles’. It is a work filled with stories all balanced on, hanging from, swinging on and spinning on crutches. Its themes relate to ideas of design (or lack of design in crutches), motion, choices and memories.
Please note this work is no longer in repertory
Mobile was created for DaDa Fest as mentioned above then was selected as part of the Scottish/Irish Dance Exchange curated by Dance Base, Edinburgh and Culture Ireland. The piece therefore toured to the Dublin Fringe Festival as part of a double bill in Sept 08.